Super Air Jet 4X Weekly Bali to Samarinda

Super Air Jet 4X Weekly Bali to Samarinda

The Indonesian Super Air Jet Airline opened a new route connecting Bali and Samarinda in East Kalimantan starting Friday, 26 April 2024.

The new service will operate four times weekly on  Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.” 

Super Air Jet 4X Weekly Bali to Samarinda

Super Air Jet 4X Weekly Bali to Samarinda

Super Air Jet

According to Ari Azhari, the President Director of Super Air Jet, the new Bali—Samarinda route targets young adventure travelers seeking unforgettable experiences. By connecting Bali and Saarinda on a single air route, travelers can now experience two Interesting and unique destinations on a single voyage.

“The launch of [Bali – Samarinda] flight route has significant potential in supporting the development of the new Nusantara Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan. This initiative contributes to various key aspects of the IKN development process,” Ari said. 

IKN is the abbreviation for Indonesia’s new National Capital City Being Development in East Kalimantan

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